Motor Pool Guidelines and Reservation Instructions
The DPA Central Services Motor Pool provides quality service to state employees in need of a vehicle for just a few hours up to a month. We offer competitive daily rates that include fuel, insurance, mileage, maintenance, and roadside assistance.
- Policies
A copy of the Vehicle Operator's Manual can be found in the glove compartment of every motor pool vehicle. Every operator of a motor pool vehicle is responsible for understanding and adhering to ALL policies. The use of motor pool vehicles is a privilege that can be revoked. Fuel Cards and Charge Cards can also be found in the glove compartment. All vehicles are to be fueled by the driver on return. Motor Pool vehicles are equipped with a telematics device, and strict adherence of the Telematics Universal Policy is expected.
Attention: Drivers at 1525 Sherman St may call 303-866-3660 to request a police escort to their vehicle if they feel unsafe.
- Use Authorization
- Only authorized State of Colorado employees and students may operate a motor pool vehicle. The vehicle may be used only for Official State of Colorado business. No one, other than state employees and authorized students, on business or course work, may ride in State vehicles.
- Domestic and non-domestic animals are NOT allowed in the vehicles except for seeing-eye, hearing-ear, and service dogs. (Please indicate a special vehicle requirement when making a reservation, with the need to transport one of these service dogs.)
- Vehicles are not to be used for towing unless so equipped. No objects are to be placed, mounted, or tied to the outside of any motor pool vehicle. Damage resulting from any of these conditions will be the responsibility of the requestor's department (or organization).
Smoking is strictly prohibited in all motor pool vehicles.
- Responsibilities of Operator
The operator of the vehicle has, but is not limited to, the following responsibilities:
- Safe operation and security of the vehicle until it has been returned to the Motor Pool.
- Strict adherence to all traffic and parking laws. A practice of road courtesy at all times. YOU are responsible for all traffic and parking violations. Any citations received by the Motor Pool shall be forwarded to the department (or organization) that reserved the vehicle.
- Safety belts are to be worn by all occupants of the vehicle at all times the vehicle is in motion. The driver is responsible for ensuring that all occupants comply with this requirement!
- Do not abuse this vehicle! Vehicle damage resulting from abuse is subject to payment by the driver's department (or organization). Turn off wipers during snowy conditions to prevent wiper arms from being bent by the weight of the snow when the ignition key is turned on.
- No repairs are to be incurred without prior approval of the Authorizations Section of State Fleet Management (1-800-356-3846), Drivers are required to report any and all mechanical defects upon return of the vehicle
- Cancellations
Reservations must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance or a cancellation fee of 1 day rental will be assessed to the requestor's account. Cancellations must be made via the Motor Pool website or by phone. The motor pool staff may cancel vehicles not picked up within 4 hours of the scheduled reservation time.
- Picking Up Vehicles
The Motor Pool is staffed 7:30 AM-4:30 PM weekdays, in Rm B-65. Vehicles are located in the Motor Pool lot at 1555 N Sherman inside the locked gate in the alley between North Sherman Street and North Lincoln Street. Vehicle keys are available 24/7 from the Motor Pool Kiosk located on the south wall of the Motor Pool next to the alley.
Attention: You will need your "user ID" and "password" to access the kiosk for your key. This was created when you set up your account with the Motor Pool. If you have any problems go to the motor pool office in Rm B-65 or call 303-866-3030.
Very Important
For emergency kiosk issues in picking up and returning vehicles when the office is not staffed please call 303-594-4699
Don't check in too early, the kiosk will only release the vehicle key starting 15 minutes prior to your scheduled pick-up time. (Subject to vehicle availability) All Toll road charges are to be paid by the driver or agency they work for when using a motor pool vehicle. Please do not use toll roads if at all possible.
- Returning Vehicles
Drivers, please return vehicles with a Full Tank of Gas. If you are driving an ICE vehicle please do not park in an EV spot. Please plug in all Electric and Plug-in Hybrids into a charging station. If you are driving an EV please be sure and park in a spot that will allow you to charge the vehicle. Please remove all trash and personal items from the vehicle.
Note: Please take your ending odometer reading to log it accurately into the kiosk and return the key to the kiosk.
- Road Repairs
- Vehicles that develop mechanical problems while in the local area should be returned for replacement. In the event that it would be impractical to operate the vehicle, the Motor Pool should be contacted for assistance. While the Motor Pool strives to maintain its fleet of vehicles in the best possible condition, breakdowns do occur. The Motor Pool will make every effort to assist the customer during any breakdown situation to minimize loss time and inconvenience. However, the Motor Pool shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the travelers other than the actual cost to repair the vehicle. This specifically includes room and board.
- If a motor pool vehicle has a mechanical breakdown while on the road, please use the following procedures:
- For All repairs: Have the vendor call SFM Authorizations @ 1-800-356-3846 or 303-866-5566. The Fuel Card is only to be used for fuel purchases or service isle items, i.e. quart of oil, W/S fluid, etc...
- For Towing: Denver metro area, Joe’s Towing 303-428-9242 or APT Towing 303-455-1264. Outside the metro area, 1-800-356-3846. For after-hours towing only, NAC 1-866-329-3471 Account # 8503758-000.
- Flat Tire(s) are the responsibility of the driver to put on the spare.
- The Motor Pool will reimburse the traveler for repair costs paid by cash, check, or personal credit card. However, receipts are required, and reimbursement requests must be submitted by the agency; SFM will reimburse the agency. Except when personal safety is threatened, the traveler shall not abandon the vehicle or place the vehicle in jeopardy.
- Vehicle Damage and/or Accident Reporting
- In the event of a vehicular accident, the driver will stop at once, give reasonable first aid to those injured, and then call the police. All information related to the accident and all drivers involved will be written down at the scene. All accidents, no matter how minor, will be reported as soon as possible to the Motor Pool office. An Accident Report must be completed. Accident Report forms are available in the vehicle or at the Motor Pool office.
- When conditions and/or regulations permit, move to the shoulder or side of the roadway to prevent further damage or hazards. If conditions or regulations do not permit moving the vehicle, contact the local authorities immediately.
- You must contact the local authorities and complete an accident report. Advise authorities if medical assistance is needed.
- Obtain the names and addresses of witnesses.
- Report the accident to the Motor Pool office as soon as possible. You may leave a voicemail after normal business hours.
- Insurance
All State of Colorado Motor Pool vehicles are insured under a State self-insurance policy. This insurance covers damage to motor pool vehicles, liability for damage to other vehicles and property, and bodily injury to others from official use of a motor pool vehicle.
The driver is personally responsible for all costs or damages for personal, illegal, or unauthorized use of State of Colorado Motor Pool vehicles.
- Motor Pool Reservation System
The Central Services Motor Pool is administered using Agile Fleet software known as Fleet Commander. You must have an account in the Fleet Commander system to reserve a Motor Pool vehicle. A VCODE is required to accurately bill your agency for the motor pool rental; please obtain your VCODE from your agency’s accounting team. Once you have the VCODE available, refer to the Creating an Account in the Motor Pool Reservation System instructions for details of how to create an account.
Our goal is to make the process of requesting reservations and checking or updating those requests as simple as possible. A basic overview of the Motor Pool's online vehicle reservation process is listed below. To begin, Create an Account in the Motor Pool system. Once your account is created, simply follow these three easy steps:
First, complete and submit the online new request form. Your reservation request is given the status of 'Pending' and you are assigned a reservation request ID. You will receive an email notifying you of your reservation request. Use the following link for step by step instructions to Reserve a Motor Pool Vehicle or Modify an Existing Reservation.
Next, your reservation request will be processed by the Motor Pool staff. All attempts will be made to fulfill your reservation request. Most requests are responded to within 1 hour (during normal business hours). If the request can be fulfilled, then the reservation request is given the status of 'Approved'. You will receive an email notifying you of your reservation approval.
At any time, my schedule may be used to view the status of your reservation request(s) online. Additionally, you may cancel or request changes to your reservation request(s).
Note: If your reservation request is 'Rejected' or 'Cancelled' then you will receive an explanation with your email response indicating the reason.
Finally, pick up your vehicle at the requested location identified on your reservation confirmation. You should be sure to review our policies (if you are not familiar with them) and our current vehicles and rates. If you need any further assistance, refer to the Motor Pool Check Out Instructions or contact us by email, by phone (during normal business hours), or by fax.
The Motor Pool Check In Instructions are useful when returning the vehicle. After the vehicle is returned, please be sure to provide us with feedback on your experience with Motor Pool.

SFM Help Desk & Knowledge Base — Please visit the Fleet web portal to access system links such as CARS, MyCars, GEOTAB Telematics, fleet coordinator support, training opportunities, webinars, MVAC minutes, and submit help tickets as well as other fleet-related materials and information.
State Fleet Management
1001 E. 62nd Ave., A-18 | Denver, CO 80216
Toll Free: 800-723-8023 | Metro: 303-866-5222
Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Monday - Friday