Telematics Software and Data Access User Annual Acknowledgment Forms

Agency Annual Telematics User Agreements

The following information must be included in your form(s) to capture the appropriate information and approvals\signatures for all users requesting access to your agency's group in the Geotab system (users created by your Fleet Coordinator or delegated backup).  The agency is responsible for collecting completed forms annually and retaining them.

Telematics Annual Agreement – Agency Fleet Coordinator and Backup

Note:  State Fleet Management (SFM) maintains the Fleet Coordinator account in the Geotab system; a list of Fleet Coordinators can be found using this link.  The Fleet Coordinator is then responsible for creating and maintaining Geotab user accounts for their agency, including the Fleet Coordinator Backup account.  Since both of these users require a higher level of access and responsibility in the Geotab system, both the Fleet Coordinator and the Fleet Coordinator Backup for your agency are required to complete the SFM Geotab Telematics Software and Data Annual Acknowledgment/Agreement form for Fleet Coordinators, annually.  Completed, signed forms should be submitted to the Fleet Application Support and Training Team (FAST) at dpa_sfmtraining_support@state.co.us.

Telematics Annual Agreement – State Internal User

Note: Use this form for users in your agency provided with a Geotab account with the following Geotab clearances; Dashboard/Report View Only, Group Administrator (strongly recommended to be used by the Fleet Coordinator and their Backup only), Group Default User, Group Supervisor, and Group View Only. Collection of this form is optional for the Group Drive App User and Nothing clearance, however, SFM recommends educating the user about the proper use of the system, at minimum.  A list of Geotab Clearances can be found using this link.


Telematics is a method of monitoring cars, trucks, equipment, and other assets by using GPS technology and onboard diagnostics (OBD) to plot the asset’s movements on a computerized map. The telematics device retrieves data generated by the vehicle, like GPS position, speed, engine information, and faults. The telematics device sends this data up to the cloud where it is decoded and brought into the fleet management software app (Geotab) for reporting and analysis. 

The State of Colorado is currently deploying telematics, which is a four-year initiative through June 2024. DPA and State Fleet Management worked with the Attorney General’s Office and the State Office of Risk Management to develop the Telematics Universal Policy, which went into effect on November 2, 2020.

Telematics data is sensitive and valuable and may be protected by federal and state laws that prohibit its unauthorized use or disclosure. As a Geotab user with access to telematics information, it is your responsibility to comply with the security and management of this data. This agreement applies to you as an employee representing the interests of the state and apprises you of your obligations and responsibilities in the use of state telematics information and data.


By signing this form, the user/account holder acknowledges the conditions under which access to the telematics application (Geotab) and data are granted, and agrees to the following terms of use:

  1. I understand that my telematics User Name and Password are for my use only, and shall not be shared with any other individual. If I suspect that my User Name or Password has been compromised, I should immediately contact State Fleet Management. 
  2. I understand that I have no expectation of privacy when using Geotab. The State of Colorado shall have the right to audit, log, and/or monitor access to or use of its telematics fleet management software that is attributed to my User Name. 
  3. I understand that I have been given access to sensitive information and will not use or share this information with any other individual, internal or external to the State of Colorado unless it is within the boundaries of Colorado state law and follows all Colorado Open Records Act applicability. 
  4. I understand that I may only access information needed to perform legitimate duties as an employee of the State of Colorado. 
  5. I understand that I must protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the state’s telematics information and data. 
  6. I understand that confidentiality obligations under this agreement will continue after the termination of this agreement and after the termination of my employment or affiliation with the State of Colorado. 
  7. Failure to perform within compliance with this agreement or outside the boundaries of any state or agency-specific rule could result in corrective or legal action on behalf of the state or impacted individuals.

Agency Signatures

User’s Name (Print):  [Text Field]                                                 Manager’s Name (Print):  [Text Field] 

User’s Signature:  [Signature Field]                                              Manager’s Signature:  [Signature Field] 

Date:  [Text Field]                                                                       Date:  [Text Field] 

The Accountholder and their immediate Manager must sign this form prior to receiving access to the Geotab fleet management software.

Telematics Annual Agreement – State External User

Note: Use this form for state users from a different agency requesting access to your agency's group in Geotab, regardless of the Geotab clearance provided.  A list of Geotab Clearances can be found using this link.


Telematics is a method of monitoring cars, trucks, equipment, and other assets by using GPS technology and onboard diagnostics (OBD) to plot the asset’s movements on a computerized map. The telematics device retrieves data generated by the vehicle, like GPS position, speed, engine information, and faults. The telematics device sends this data up to the cloud where it is decoded and brought into the fleet management software app (Geotab) for reporting and analysis.

The State of Colorado is currently deploying telematics, which is a four-year initiative through June 2024. DPA and State Fleet Management worked with the Attorney General’s Office and the State Office of Risk Management to develop the Telematics Universal Policy, which went into effect on November 2, 2020.


User Requesting Access to the Geotab System:  [Text Field]

Describe, in detail, how the information you obtain from the Geotab system will be utilized:  [Text Field]

List any and all parties with whom the information will be shared:  [Text Field]

Select the Agency/Cabinet for which you are requesting access:  [Text Field]


By signing this form, the user/account holder acknowledges the conditions under which access to the telematics application (Geotab) and data are granted, and agrees to the following terms of use:

  1. I understand that my telematics User Name and Password are for my use only, and shall not be shared with any other individual. If I suspect that my User Name or Password has been compromised, I should immediately contact State Fleet Management.
  2. I understand that I have no expectation of privacy when using Geotab. The State of Colorado shall have the right to audit, log, and/or monitor access to or use of its telematics fleet management software that is attributed to my User Name.
  3. I understand that I have been given access to sensitive information and will not use or share this information with any other individual, internal or external to the State of Colorado unless it is within the boundaries of Colorado state law and follows all Colorado Open Records Act applicability.
  4. I understand that I may only access information needed to perform legitimate duties as an employee of the State of Colorado.
  5. I understand that I must protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the state’s telematics information and data.
  6. I understand that confidentiality obligations under this agreement will continue after the termination of this agreement and after the termination of my employment or affiliation with the State of Colorado.
  7. Failure to perform within compliance with this agreement or outside the boundaries of any state or agency-specific rule could result in corrective or legal action on behalf of the state or impacted individuals.

Internal Agency Signatures

(This section is to be signed by the agency requesting access)

User's Name (Print):  [Text Field]                                          Manager's Name (Print):  [Text Field]

User Signature:  [Signature Field]                                         Managers Signature:  [Signature Field]

Date:  [Text Field]                                                                Date:  [Text Field]  

External Agency Signatures

(This section is to be signed by the Executive Director of the authorizing agency)

Executive Director's Name (Print):  [Text Field]                                                   

Executive Director's Signature:  [Signature Field]

Date:  [Text Field]   

The Accountholder, their immediate Manager, and the requested agency executive director* must sign this form prior to receiving access to Geotab fleet management software.

Telematics Annual Agreement – Third-Party User

Note: Use this form for third-party accounts.  The Fleet Coordinator would typically create this type of account specifically for data integrations or API data calls of your agency’s data.


Telematics is a method of monitoring cars, trucks, equipment, and other assets by using GPS technology and onboard diagnostics (OBD) to plot the asset’s movements on a computerized map. The telematics device retrieves data generated by the vehicle, like GPS position, speed, engine information, and faults. The telematics device sends data to the cloud where it is decoded and brought into the Geotab system for reporting and analysis.

Telematics data is sensitive and valuable and may be protected by federal and state laws that prohibit its unauthorized use or disclosure. As a Geotab user with access to telematics information, it is your responsibility to comply with the security and management of the data. This agreement applies to all users representing the interests of the state and apprises you of your obligations and responsibilities in the use of state telematics information and data.


Agency Contracting with Third-Party – Primary Contact Information

Agency (Cabinet, Department, & Unit):  [Text Field]

POCs Name:  [Text Field]                         Title:  [Text Field]

Phone:  [Text Field]                                 Email:  [Text Field]


Contracted Third-Party – Primary Contact Information

(This section is to be completed by the third-party) 

Third-Party Company Name:  [Text Field]

POCs Name:  [Text Field]                            Title:  [Text Field]

Phone:  [Text Field]                                    Email: [Text Field]


Describe in Detail, how the information you obtain from the Geotab system will be utilized: [Text Field]

Describe in detail, the access type needed to obtain the information from Geotab (user account, flat file integration, etc: [Text Field]

List any and all parties with whom the information will be shared: [Text Field]


By signing this form, the user/account holder acknowledges the conditions under which access to the telematics application (Geotab) and data are granted, and agrees to the following terms of use:

  1. I understand that my telematics User Name and Password are for my use only, and shall not be shared with any other individual. If I suspect that my User Name or Password has been compromised, I should immediately contact State Fleet Management.
  2. I understand that I have no expectation of privacy when using Geotab. The State of Colorado shall have the right to audit, log, and/or monitor access to or use of its telematics fleet management software that is attributed to my User Name.
  3. I understand that I have been given access to sensitive information and will not use or share this information with any other individual, internal or external to the State of Colorado unless it is within the boundaries of Colorado state law and follows all Colorado Open Records Act applicability.
  4. I understand that I may only access information needed to perform legitimate duties as an employee of the State of Colorado.
  5. I understand that I must protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the state’s telematics information and data.
  6. I understand that confidentiality obligations under this agreement will continue after the termination of this agreement and after the termination of my employment or affiliation with the State of Colorado.
  7. Failure to perform within compliance with this agreement or outside the boundaries of any state or agency-specific rule could result in corrective or legal action on behalf of the state or impacted individuals.

Agency Signatures

User's Name (Print):  [Text Field]                                                    Manager's Name (Print):  [Text Field]

User Signature:  [Signature Field]                                                   Managers Signature:  [Signature Field]

Date:  [Text Field]                                                                          Date:  [Text Field]  


Third-Party Signatures


Authorized by Name (Print):  [Text Field]

Authorized by Title:  [Text Field]

Authorized by Signature:  [Signature Field]

Date:  [Text Field]

The agency representative, their manager, and an authorized representative from the third party must sign this form prior to receiving access to Geotab fleet management software.