DCA sets its rates to recover all costs without profit while remaining competitive with the private sector. DCA will provide the best value to the State in every service we offer and to every customer we serve.
While market conditions have led to significant price fluctuation for fuel, vehicles, energy, and other materials and goods over the last several fiscal years, DCA is still able to offer most of its services at the lowest possible cost to state agencies. DCA sets its rates to recover all costs without profit while remaining competitive with the private sector.
Rates are based on the most common type of document or service. Each specific job is unique and the actual cost will be based on a detailed evaluation of the requirements and priced based on standardized internal unit rates. Every job should be carefully evaluated and priced by DCA service unit specialists before a bid decision is made by a customer.
FY25 Agency Rates (Effective July 1, 2024)
Variable Rates (Fuel & Maintenance, per Mile )
$ 0.414 — Overall 13% average rate increase
Accident Fund Rate (per Mile)
$ 0.027
(This is the average statewide rate. Individual vehicle types have their own rates and differ from department to department.)
Reallocated Funding
Management Fee (per Vehicle per Month)
Telematics Service Fee (per Vehicle per Month)
FY25 Motor Pool Rates (per Day/no mileage charge)
Sedans & Hybrids — $ 45.00
Electric & Plug-in Hybrid Electric — $ 55.00
Minivans — $ 65.00
SUVs (4-Wheel Drive) — $ 70.00
Printable PDF Rate Sheets
FY25 Rates | State Fleet Management/Motor Pool
FY24 Rates | State Fleet Management/Motor Pool
Cost Comparison Reports
If you are interested in rate comparisons with the private sector and cost savings, information can be found in the FY20 DCA Cost Comparison and Savings Report.

SFM Help Desk & Knowledge Base — Please visit the Fleet web portal to access system links such as CARS, MyCars, GEOTAB Telematics, fleet coordinator support, training opportunities, webinars, MVAC minutes, and submit help tickets as well as other fleet-related materials and information.
State Fleet Management
1001 E. 62nd Ave., A-18 | Denver, CO 80216
Toll Free: 800-723-8023 | Metro: 303-866-5222
Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Monday - Friday