Event Permits

Flowers in the foreground with the capitol building in the background

Event Permits for the Colorado State Capitol & Lincoln Veterans Memorial Park

Host your public event on the beautiful and prestigious West Steps of the Colorado State Capitol Building, or in historic Lincoln Veterans Memorial Park.

  • Ceremonies
  • Press conferences
  • Rallies and demonstrations
  • Festival
  • Other special group gatherings

Permit requests are fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be sure to check the event calendars below for the availability of the dates and facilities that you wish to request before completing your request form. Please note: event permits issued for the Lincoln Veterans Memorial Park site require a $500 mandatory donation, made payable to the Colorado Veterans Memorial Preservation Fund.

Please note that permits are issued for the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

Calendar of Scheduled Events

Current month | Second month  |  Third month  |  Fourth month  |  Fifth month  |  Sixth month

Request Form & Rules

If you experience any issues or don't receive an email confirmation, please contact the Capitol Complex main help desk at 303-866-4357 or email dpa_permitrequests@state.co.us.

LEED Gold Proven Provider

General Capitol Complex Facilities Management Contact Information
1525 Sherman St., B-15  |  Denver, CO 80203
Help Desk — 303-866-HELP (4357)

Capitol Complex Managment