Capitol Complex Parking Program - Returning to Normal Operation Policies

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On June 1, 2021, State employees for all Capitol Complex-managed buildings have started to come back to the office based on their individual agency's return to work policies.

With the anticipated end of the Legislative Session date of June 12, Capitol Complex will start the process of returning all parking lots to normal operations on June 28 per Capitol Complex Parking Rules.

Effective June 28, all gates will be operational at surface lots, and the universal temporary code to the garage disabled.

The two-week period between June 12 and June 28 will give everyone a chance to transition back into the office environment and make other parking arrangements.
On June 28, only vehicles with placards or authorized codes can access the parking lots and the garage.

If you are interested in a future parking space, please fill out the Parking Wait List Form on the website. The Parking Program Manager will be in contact with you on a first-come, first-served basis.


Shared Parking Program

For State employees returning to the office on an intermittent schedule, Capitol Complex now has a Shared Parking Program.

Shared parking will allow the primary parker (individual paying for space) to share their space with another employee on days they are not in the office. Please review the list of FAQs on our website.


Bicycle Lockers

For employees who may be riding a bike to work, Capitol Complex also has a new mobile phone application to reserve a bike locker on a daily basis. Please visit the Parking Program page on our website for more details.